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Our offer of rural tourism is characterized through the years groomed agricultural production of food on the outskirts of Bačija Homolje mountains and hospitable tradition of centuries of specific local mountain farmers.
We are recognized by the fact that we can meet the growing demands of tourism demand, such as rural tourism, agro-tourism, ethno - gastronomic, sports, health, religious and cultural tourism.

banja zdrelo smestaj novakovic

Do you want to rest your soul and body from stressful days, workload, or simply spend a weekend in the countryside or you celebrate a very important day, be sure to do on our farm in Banja Ždrelo in DWELLING NOVAKOVIĆ.

This is the place where you can find the entire rural tourism - from accommodation in our rooms to rest, via offers picnic areas, religious, cultural and natural heritage of rural areas Homolja ie Eastern Serbia.

We will show you that there are Homolje undiscovered beauty, which provide an abundance of wealth ethno products and services that provide the ability to increase the tourist season at all four seasons.

As more people are looking for a place to rest and escape from the city noise, so every day there is a growing awareness of the need for pure breathing air, stay in pristine natural environment, close to the direct production of traditional food on unpolluted soil and enjoying the natural beauty.
At the same time, tourists want to actively participate in the life and work of the rural farms, sleeping in traditional houses and try ethnic cuisine of this area.


Woodlands - Accommodation Novakovic - Banja Ždrelo

Ždrelo bb
12300 Petrovac
Branicevo district
 El. the post office:
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+381 60 0330647
 Mobile phone number:
+381 63 8372184


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