banja zdrelo smestaj carev konak sobe prenociste

banja zdrelo smestaj carev konak sobe prenociste

"Caesar's quarters," the ethnic restaurant is situated at the foot of the Homolje mountains, a ten km from Petrovac na Mlavi, directly near Banja Ždrelo - medicinal baths with hot water.
Our restaurant offers a quiet retreat from city life.

Emperor's quarters "allows lodging in rooms of excellent quality, with natural materials.
All rooms are high quality, well-equipped, with a pleasant climate that encourages the walls of natural wood and great views of the spa and Homolje mountains.

The rooms are separate units with a porch. Each has a separate entrance, private bathroom - toilet.
It is also a large parking lot.
The offer is another satisfaction for guests of hotel, near the pool room.

In our restaurant, ready to domestic Serbian ethnic cuisine. Every day the menu includes a variety of hot dishes and of course a barbecue.

The house specialty is "Homoljsko Lamb" "Lamb under the bell." What makes us unique is the integrated cake of buckwheat flour.
In the restaurant, there is a beautiful garden.

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Крагујевац стан на продају или замена за Петровац на Млави

Kragujevac stan na prodaju ili zamena za Petrovac na Mlavi

Основа стана 1:50

Ул. Атинска 91/1А - Аеродром Сушица - КРАГУЈЕВАЦ

 Ходник, предпростор  3,54
 Дневна соба  14,07
 Радни део  4,40
 Кухиња  3,34
 Соба (трпезарија)  8,75
 Купатило  3,40
 Тераса  6,18
УКУПНО:  43,68

Стан је на I спрату, поседује подрум.
Може замена за Петровац на Млави
Контакт: +381 65 335 82 33

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