aronija vosanovac


  Freshly harvested from plantations in Vosanovac in the municipality of Petrovac na Mlavi.



the vlasony

"The Vlasony"

Bend sa etno prizvukom i dugogodišnjom tradicijom.
Na repertoaru su pesme gradskog, pop-rok, starogradskog, evergrin i narodnog miljea.
Zvuk je proizvod akustičnog benda a po potrebi je i elektronski.

Ovaj ansambl čine 5 članova i to::
Nenad Jovanović - vokal i gitara
Vladan Milanović - gitara i vokal
Zoran Makiš - mandolina, vokal
Zoran Karadžić - harmonika, vokal
Vladan Miljković, bas gitara, vokal

Muzika za restorane, kafane, kućne proslave, slave, dočeke svatova, rođendane, rođenja deteta, veselja.


bistricani kvartet orkestar za veselja

Original folk music, old and evergreen. 
For all the joys, manifestations ...


secka gorisa stojanovic aca

Working speed:
800-1200 rpm

Material quality:
8 knives (cutting and drawing)
Heat treated, gears, sprockets, knives, hardened steel.

Diameter: 5-6 cm of trees
Length: 2-4 cm of wood chips at the exit

It is easily packed in bags
jack 30-40 kg of raw wood chips
2-3 min the bag is filled
Jack (white cloth) of 50l costs 12-15 dinars

Spelta zajednica proizvođača - Petrovac na Mlavi
Kontakt: +381 62 348618

spelta background

dimitrije ristic slikar 000aa

Dimitrije Ristić - Rile

Petrovac na Mlavi

Foto - galerija - Contact - Price

banja zdrelo smestaj novakovic slide 01

Our offer of rural tourism is characterized through the years groomed agricultural production of food on the outskirts of Bačija Homolje mountains and hospitable tradition of centuries of specific local mountain farmers.
We are recognized by the fact that we can meet the growing demands of tourism demand, such as rural tourism, agro-tourism, ethno - gastronomic, sports, health, religious and cultural tourism.

domaca rakija sljiva002

Household Stevanovic has a long tradition in the production of brandy specific recipe handed down from generation to generation.

 gazdinstvo jankucic003Woodlands Jankucić engaged in the production of honey, as well as making beehives and accessories for them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

farma svinja na prodaju

Complete farm for sale

     14 sows (Landrace-Pietrain) white; weighing about 170 Kg; ages 2-3 years.

5 gilts (Landrace-Pietrain) white; weighing up to 100 Kg; ages 2-3 years.

2 boars one (Landrace-Swedish) white; weighing about 270 Kg; ages 3 years. the second is the Landrace-Pietrain) white; weighing about 270 Kg; age 1 year.

15 pieces weighing 18-20 Kg;
15 pieces weighing 10-15 Kg;
2 litters of newborns after 16 pc



djordjevicWe are one of the largest beekeeping households in Serbia. Our establishment is engaged in beekeeping for more than 80 years. During the year, we visit with his apiary, which counts more than 500 companies, a few grazing in Serbia.

Part apiary us on Homolje mountains throughout the year, precisely at a place called Ceretar Krepoljina addition, a part of the apiary moving to Fruska Gora, and then in the Banat.

All year long we are on the market "Zeleni venac" in Belgrade and the market in Zemun, as well as in Petrovac, which sell their products regardless of the date the storms. So as much as 35 more years.

fotostudio sima 01

We are located in the center of Petrovac na Mlavi at the foot of a large shopping center across the street from Green Market

Contact: 063 / 7743-550

Photo gallery



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Крагујевац стан на продају или замена за Петровац на Млави

Kragujevac stan na prodaju ili zamena za Petrovac na Mlavi

Основа стана 1:50

Ул. Атинска 91/1А - Аеродром Сушица - КРАГУЈЕВАЦ

 Ходник, предпростор  3,54
 Дневна соба  14,07
 Радни део  4,40
 Кухиња  3,34
 Соба (трпезарија)  8,75
 Купатило  3,40
 Тераса  6,18
УКУПНО:  43,68

Стан је на I спрату, поседује подрум.
Може замена за Петровац на Млави
Контакт: +381 65 335 82 33

vladimir dimitrijevic

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