Preporod Atlas Petrovac na Mlavi

Correction (rigging) Atlas (first cervical vertebra) -method that will give lasting health and beauty ...

Already tens of thousands of years of health problems began in the back of the head and flow of life are descended the body.
People tried to massage the nape eliminate pain, and until our time did not realize that their first vertebra below the head is displaced and that there is the beginning of almost all health problems. The first cervical vertebra is called Atlas.
Atlas dislocation is the cause of over 95% NATURAL, HEALTH and mental health problems such as scoliosis, pain in the neck, shoulders, lower back, ischialgia, vertigo, migraines, high and low blood pressure, arrhythmias, allergies, depression ...
Furnished Atlas allows faster recovery in multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and other neurological disease ...
Atlas-install solve the misery!


Examinations and consultations are free ...
We are located in Petrovac na Mlavi
in the shopping center of the Export-Import,
across from Green Market
ul. Bate Bulić bb
Tel: 069/2807966

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Using this site, or by calling phone 0800800006 detail will be familiar with our activities, but it is best to come to some of the branches of our Association in Serbia and the region. Only when we see your spine, we'll talk in more detail about your health. The first meeting is free of charge; then we will show you how to perform the massage, and you will hear the experiences of people who are exempt from ailments and diseases.

preporod namestanje atlasa petrovac na mlavi

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Крагујевац стан на продају или замена за Петровац на Млави

Kragujevac stan na prodaju ili zamena za Petrovac na Mlavi

Основа стана 1:50

Ул. Атинска 91/1А - Аеродром Сушица - КРАГУЈЕВАЦ

 Ходник, предпростор  3,54
 Дневна соба  14,07
 Радни део  4,40
 Кухиња  3,34
 Соба (трпезарија)  8,75
 Купатило  3,40
 Тераса  6,18
УКУПНО:  43,68

Стан је на I спрату, поседује подрум.
Може замена за Петровац на Млави
Контакт: +381 65 335 82 33

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