Pčelarsko domaćinstvo Đorđević
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- Written by Gazdinstvo.RS
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 7521
We are one of the largest beekeeping households in Serbia. Our establishment is engaged in beekeeping for more than 80 years. During the year, we visit with his apiary, which counts more than 500 companies, a few grazing in Serbia.
Part apiary us on Homolje mountains throughout the year, precisely at a place called Ceretar Krepoljina addition, a part of the apiary moving to Fruska Gora, and then in the Banat.
All year long we are on the market "Zeleni venac" in Belgrade and the market in Zemun, as well as in Petrovac, which sell their products regardless of the date the storms. So as much as 35 more years.
Foto studio Sima - Petrovac na Mlavi
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- Written by Gazdinstvo.RS
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 3525
We are located in the center of Petrovac na Mlavi at the foot of a large shopping center across the street from Green Market
Contact: 063 / 7743-550
Photo gallery
Cvećara Sunce - Petrovac na Mlavi
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- Written by Gazdinstvo.RS
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 7427
We are located in a large "Green" at Petrovac ul. Serbian Rulers no.63
Contact: 012/327-420
Photo gallery
Stepić gume
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- Written by Gazdinstvo.RS
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 3881
Dubočka - Petrovac
062 / 340-080
012 / 340-080
Photo gallery
Letovanje 2016. MP Turist
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- Written by Gazdinstvo.RS
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 7411
MP Tourists
El. the post office:
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012 327824
064 2245994, 063 7536268
Frizerski muško-ženski salon Marija - Petrovac na Mlavi
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- Written by Gazdinstvo.RS
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 4100
Male - female hairdresser - Marija
Shopping center in the green market
in the center of Petrovac na Mlavi
Contact: 063/8009127
Photo gallery
Read more: Frizerski muško-ženski salon Marija - Petrovac na Mlavi
Gazdinstvo Dragomirović - Kamenovo
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- Written by Gazdinstvo.RS
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 3532
Acacia - Heating
piles for the two lines, fence, good for raspberry
Kamenovo village beekeepers
12300 Petrovac
Braničevski okrug
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- Written by Gazdinstvo.RS
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 3470
Felling of timber
Removal of vegetation, trees
Edit riverbeds
We offer:
Professional removal, pruning, shortening, shaping trees and demolition of all sizes with or without removal of the affordable and rugged terrain.
Felling and pruning tall trees (trees) in tight places, near buildings, power lines and the like.
Harvesting is performed climbing techniques without the presence of heavy machinery.
Demolition of rotten trees and sloping
Cleaning abandoned spaces (stone grounds, shrubs).
Refuse negotiated.
Maintenance of local cemeteries
Auto Škola STOP PLUS
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- Written by Gazdinstvo.RS
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 3460
Address: 308 Serbian Rulers
12300 Petrovac
Categories: B,
MS Ilić - Međunarodne kompletne pogrebne usluge
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- Written by Gazdinstvo.RS
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 3179
All in one place:
Transportation of the deceased from all over Europe
All equipment for the dead
Dress and arranging deceased
Blackness, wreaths, flowers, ikebana, bouquets
The excavation of graves
Storing food of your choice
Agrar Tehna & Jeans Exclusive
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- Written by Gazdinstvo.RS
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 3274
Agrar techno & Jeans Excusive
A large range
Permanent special prices
current models
Ul. Veljko Dugoševića 42
012 / 326-013
Ul. Knez Mihailova bb
012 / 643-76
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- Written by Joomla
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 3438
Correction (rigging) Atlas (first cervical vertebra) -method that will give lasting health and beauty ...
Already tens of thousands of years of health problems began in the back of the head and flow of life are descended the body.
People tried to massage the nape eliminate pain, and until our time did not realize that their first vertebra below the head is displaced and that there is the beginning of almost all health problems. The first cervical vertebra is called Atlas.
Atlas dislocation is the cause of over 95% NATURAL, HEALTH and mental health problems such as scoliosis, pain in the neck, shoulders, lower back, ischialgia, vertigo, migraines, high and low blood pressure, arrhythmias, allergies, depression ...
Furnished Atlas allows faster recovery in multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and other neurological disease ...
Atlas-install solve the misery!
Крагујевац стан на продају или замена за Петровац на Млави
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